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Transfer potal "GREEN" - a film that imitates metal, has a bright metallic shine. It is used to reproduce the color of a precious metal and create a gilding effect on decorative plaster, painted surfaces, wood, fabric, cardboard, stone, plastic, ceramics and other materials.
The transfer coating is applied to the product with the help of a special glue for transfer film/coating for decorative plaster and decorative coatings.
1 m2 of film is delivered to the buyer in the following size: film width - 21 cm, length - 5 m, which in total is 1 m2 +. That is, if you need 2 m2, you will receive 2 sheets of film measuring 21cm*5m and so on.
Application method:
1. apply a thin layer of Glue for transfer film/potali to the area to be decorated;
2. wait until the glue dries (it should become transparent and retain a sticky layer);
3. press the film with the white side to the glue (the colored shiny side should be the front);
4. the shiny effect/gilding should transfer to the area with sticky glue, the glue will lose its stickiness at the same time;
5. fix the potal with a finishing coating (varnish);
6. enjoy the result.
Shelf life and use: unlimited.