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Glossy transparent acrylic medium ScrapEgo 150ml

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ScrapEgo acrylic glossy transparent gel-medium is on waterbased acrylic dispersion. After drying, it forms an elastic transparent glossy waterproof film.

- It is used as a basis for working with sprays, paints, alcohol ink, etc. on paper, cardboard, fiberboard, plastic, glass, fabric and other surfaces.
- It is used to dilute acrylic paints, muffling their color, but not changing their properties and quality.
- Suitable for transferring the image to any prepared surface.
- When finishing coating art objects, ensures their integrity and durability.
- Can be used as an adhesive or decoupage glue.

Stir well before use. We recommend using protective gloves and clothing (apron).

Apply with a roller, brush or other convenient alternative method.

Apply in a thin layer, apply the next layer only after the previous layer has dried slightly!

Remember! The surface on which you are going to apply the medium must be prepared in advance - cleaned from dirt and dust, dried if wet cleaning was required.

If you apply the medium on smooth surfaces (glass, plastic, metal) - the areas that you are going to cover must be degreased with alcohol, this will help the medium to lie down better and better adhere to the product).

Consumption of soil for one layer 100g / m3.

Drying and film formation time - from 6 to 24 hours, depending on the thickness of the applied layer.

We recommend natural drying (without accelerating drying devices, at room temperature, away from direct sunlight), drying with a hairdryer is strictly not recommended - this can lead to deformation of the applied layer.

After work, wipe the tools (until dry!) ​​With a napkin and rinse with warm running water.

Can be tinted.

Expiration date: 24 months. from the production date. Store in the original container at temperatures from + 5C to + 30C in a place protected from direct sunlight and out of reach of children.

In case of contact with skin - rinse with water, in case of contact with eyes / respiratory organs - rinse with water, if necessary consult a doctor.

Delivery around the world is carried out by different transport companies at the request of the customer.
Delivery and payment are agreed in advance with the manager.

Payment is possible:

  • on the card of Privat Bank
  • to the current account
  • online payment LiqPay


12-36 month warranty of manufacture

Reviews 2
Моя субʼєктивна думка - цей лак для моїх цілей виявився занадто щільним, та густим. Мені до вподоби більш легкі речовини для покриття.

проте як база для поталі цього разу - супер)
Сивокінь Тетяна Вікторівна, медіум - дуже багатоцільовий продукт, тому текстура у нього така, щоб підходила теж для багатьох цілей. Якщо Вам не підходить консистенція - можна долити трошки охолодженої кип"яченої водички (до 10%), адже медіум є продуктом на водній основі, і довести до консистенції, яка підійде саме Вам! Спробуйте, будь ласка, я впевнена. що у Вас все вийде!
Товар не первой свежести, больше 50% срока годности истекло, по завышенным ценам.(Купил за 65грн , на ценнике указана цена 50грн)
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